Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Final Year Project (EVA Project - Dispute of the Seekers)

It's a final year project that I did when i was in SIM. The image above is the poster that I did for and it will be displayed on SIM-UOW games lab soon.
This project is done by 3 people including me.
Duration: 4 months

My part in this project is:

1. Project Leader

2. Programming
- Core Gameplay
- Physics
- Part of the Ally AI

3. Graphics
- Graphics design, character design, and level design
- 2D & 3D artist, modeller, texture artist, animator and etc
- Basically all games and website graphics of this project are done by me

4. Sound
- Sound editor (robotic sounds and some sounds effects)
- Voice actor for one of the game's character named "Gaia"

5. Game Design
- Robotic fantasy as the game genre
- Overall gameplay (How the game should be play and etc)
- How the story should started and should progress (Note: I didn't write the details of the story, It was passed to one of my teammate)

6. Video
- Video editor for the "EVA_Project_Trailer"

Below are the video trailer:
(Note: the video is slow because it was recorded at high resolution with the game running. Actual game is running smoothly)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Elvia - Clash of the Chiefs

This is the game that I did with my teammate using 3D gamestudio A7.
This project is done by 4 people.
Duration : 1 month

The thing that I did in this game are:
- The entire game play / game logic
- Part of the AI
- Special Effect
- Collision Detection

- Main Character Modeling (including the bear), Texturing and animation
- Special Effects
- Terrain building

Below are the project trailers:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WAR.SIM [CSCI 356 Final Assignment (Solo)]

This is the final assignment video. This is an individual project that I've completed in 2 weeks period. Features are explained in the subtitle of each videos.

This game simulation is purely AI driven, but I've also implemented it in such a way that the player can take control of the tanks

Part 1



Friday, February 27, 2009

CSCI 356 Assignment 3

This is the assignment 3 video.
Additional Features:
- Tanks will avoid each other from being collides
- Find a new path to reach the destination if the tank are blocked and there is another path to the destination
- Find a nearest position to park if its destination has been taken by others or no mode valid path to the destination

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shooting Game [CSCI 356 Assignment 2]

Video showing feature that I've created in the Assignment 2.
I created all the 3D models and 2D arts (User Interface, particle images and etc) except the room itself and the sound.

This is an individual project completed in 1 week time.

Sound file are downloaded from http://www.findsounds.com/

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Memory Game [Java applet game]

Well, I didn't upload the game. So, here are just some of the screenshot

Particle Simulation [CSCI 356 Assignment 1]

Video showing feature that I've created in the Assignment 1.
I created all the particle image myself and the oil barrel model.
The sky and terrain are come from the Lite-C itself

3D Animation

One of the 3D animation that I've done before

Intective Online 3D Car Catalogue - DEMO version

This flash application is done for one of the assignment which needs to do a car sales management website. I did this car catalogue in flash. The 3D model of the car I modeled it in 3D studio max and the image file I created in Photoshop

3D modelling

These are few 3D models that I've modelled in 3D studio max
Some of them have animation. But didnt upload it here. Lazy...

Sea Animation

Here are some sea animation that I did for Mediasoft Integration during the school day. Created using 3D studio max

My first 3D game

Below is the first 3D game that I have created using Ogre3D graphics rendering engine. Of course I should have done a lot more better with that powerful engine. But well... anyone have their first time, aren't they ? ^^" (That's a convenient excuses :P)

The main objective of this game is to navigate through the room and find an exit. You will need to put off the fire wall that blocks you along your path.

Mobile game

This is the mobile game that I've created before.
All the codes and game arts are created myself in 3D max and Photoshop <(^@^)>

Basically in this game, you have to hit the right number on the mobile phone keypad that corresponds to the moles location.

Wish I could have been able to port it to my mobile phone though ; )

Protect the Sacred Relic [Flash Game]

Below are the flash game that I've created before.
All the codes and game arts are created myself in 3D max and Photoshop.

Interior Lighting

This is some of the interior lighting that I've rendered in LightWave 3D. Model are provided by the lecturer. So I just do the lighting and texturing